Hyderabad: The Pravasi Mitra Labour Union has urged key amendments to the Emigration Act, 1983, and to bring natural deaths under the purview of the Pravasi Bhartiya Bima Yojana (PBBY) to cover all natural deaths of emigrants working in foreign countries.
During the three-day international review of the condition of migrant workers of Nepal and India held in Agra, UP on Saturday, November 9, Swadesh Parikipandla, Nizamabad district coordinator of the union, pointed out that Indian workers have been emigrating to countries like Germany, Poland, Japan, Italy, Malta, Israel, and they have not been restricted to the Gulf countries like before.
He explained the steps taken by the state government for the welfare of Gulf emigrant workers in recent times, that included announcing Rs 5 lakh ex-gratia to the kin of the Gulf emigrants passing away due to accidents while on duty.
The other steps were the constitution of an advisory committee on Gulf emigrants’ issues, setting up a separate counter for addressing the concerns of Gulf emigrants at Prajavani at Praja Bhavan on Tuesday and Friday every week.
“The state government has also took a policy decision to implement quota for the children of Gulf workers in the government welfare residential schools,” he said.
During the three-day conclave held at Hotel Ganga Ratan, deliberations were made on this year’s theme of “A Just Transition” in view of Gulf workers and especially people from the construction industry experiencing the impact of climate change.
Workers’ union representatives from Nepal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh attended the three-day conclave.