Though officially turmeric is grown on more than 60,000 acres in the district, the area of its cultivation is much larger unofficially. A farmer spends more than Rs 1.10 lakh per acre for the cultivation of turmeric and on average gets a yield of 20 quintals. Ankapur in the district was once known for large-scale turmeric cultivation but lack of marketing, training and export facilities forced the farmers to gradually decrease the area of cultivation. According to sources, the farmers who cultivated turmeric in 1,823.23 hectares in 2020-2021 got a yield of 2,26,241.99 MTs. Out of this, the farmers in Nizamabad raised the crop in 13,942.16 hectares and got a yield of 8,6092.63 MTs. Bharathiya Kisan Sangh (BKS) national secretary K Sai Reddy hailing the PM’s announcement expressed the hope that the Board will take care of all the farmers’ issues from the cultivation stage to export.