Hyderabad: Locally developed AI-powered smart glasses, capable of recognising faces, objects, and reading printed or handwritten text, were launched by governor Jishnu Dev Varma at KIMS Hospital in Secunderabad. Designed for the visually impaired, these innovative glasses mark a significant milestone in assistive technology.
Developed by the KIMS Foundation and Research Centre (KFRC) under the leadership of former DRDO scientist Dr V Bhujanga Rao, the glasses were verified for quality and performance by the Devanar Foundation for the Blind.
The governor underscored the importance of this breakthrough for India’s 20 million visually impaired citizens, stating, “These glasses will not only enhance daily living but also instil confidence, offering a quality of life that was once unimaginable. They bring a new light into the lives of these individuals.”
Equipped with advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms, the glasses aid navigation, recognise faces and objects, and are set to transform mobility and communication for users. Dr. Bhujanga Rao emphasised the mission of distributing these glasses to those in need, collaborating with NGOs, govt agencies, and healthcare providers. Additionally, they will provide training on how to use the glasses.
Dr Bollineni Bhaskar Rao, chairman and MD of KIMS hospitals, added, “This technology makes a long-standing dream a reality — providing equal opportunities and accessible information for everyone.”
The smart glasses were distributed to visually impaired people at the launch ceremony.