Home NEWS Public meeting on Mudasarlova canal today

Public meeting on Mudasarlova canal today

The Committee for a Sustainable Visakhapatnam will organise a meeting with people living along the Mudasarlova canal between Mudasarlova reservoir and Lawson’s Bay beach, at Visakhapatnam Public Library, on Friday at 5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.

The purpose of the meeting is to understand how the lives of people have been impacted by the canal, and what they have done about it so far, and what they could collectively do in the future, according to Manjula Boyina of Laya Resource Centre. The centre serves as a host agency for the committee, according to a release here on Thursday.

The canal is a natural stormwater drain that traverses many different types of land uses. Over the years, it has transformed into a trash receptable that carries discharges enroute and deposits them into the sea, Manjula Boyina added.

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