An incident highlighting the integrity and honesty of the staff at Sri Durga Malleswara Swamyvarla Devasthanam took place on Tuesday. A devotee, Gona Pujith Sai from APSEB Colony, Hastinapuram, Hyderabad, lost a gold bracelt weighing 35 grams at Kanaka Durga temple.
Temple staff D. Durga Devi and D. Mangatayaru, who found the bracelet, informed their supervisor Amrutha Rao, who took immediate action. The Special Protection Force (SPF) staff took possession of the bracelet, and an announcement was made over the temple’s public address system. The devotee, after hearing the announcement, approached the temple authorities.
The temple staff and the SPF personnel verified the items with the devotee and handed them over through the Assistant Executive Officer M. Ratna Raju.
In recognition of the honesty and diligence displayed, the Deputy Executive Officer of the temple praised the efforts of the sweepers, B. Sivaji, H.C. Suryaboyina Sridhar, C.T. Eshwar Rao, and Y. Someshwar Rao, as well as the SPF team. Furthermore, the Executive Officer K.S. Rama Rao, also congratulated the staff for their excellent service and commitment to the temple’s values.
Published – November 26, 2024 08:39 pm IST