Home CAR & BIKES Took my 1st-gen Himalayan on a relaxed 150 km cruise; Experience &...

Took my 1st-gen Himalayan on a relaxed 150 km cruise; Experience & pics

Took my 1st-gen Himalayan on a relaxed 150 km cruise; Experience & pics

Shifting gears, going over bumps and potholes and manoeuvring through highway traffic was all effortless and subconscious.

BHPian rahul4321 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Woke up today morning and had an itch to go on a relaxed cruise. Picked up the keys to the Himmie and set out to Polo Forest. It is a 150 kilometre ride one way with a Fern Residency at the outskirts of the forest where you can get a decent breakfast spread or in my case – a late lunch.

The Himmie had touched 21000 kilometres exactly as I left my house and arrived back at home at approximately 21300 kilometers. It was a slow 80-90 kmph trundle as I was lost in my thoughts, thinking about my life past 40 and what do I want to do next. Shifting gears, going over bumps and potholes and maneuvering through highway traffic was all effortless and subconscious. It’s only emergency braking which was not only conscious activity but sometimes – a heart in my mouth activity. Anybody who has ridden a H411 will know what i am talking about.

Asked a boy grazing his goats to take a few pictures of mine in front of a lake nestled between the high Aravalli mountains and he kindly obliged. Had a leisurely lunch at the Fern Residency, did a few forest trails and came back home.

There were a few H450’s and Dominiar’s who went flying past me – they gave me a thumbs up and asked me to join them. Tried keeping up with them for about 5 minutes but then gave up – because riding at their speeds meant I could no longer ride subconsciously which was what I had set out to do. I was happy being a slow tortoise and letting the quick hare’s go past me.

Took my 1st-gen Himalayan on a relaxed 150 km cruise; Experience & pics

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