Actor Naga Shaurya has commenced shooting for his upcoming film, directed by debutant Ram Desina (Ramesh). Produced by Srinivasarao Chintalapudi under the Sri Vaishnavi Films banner, the movie promises to be an exciting addition to his filmography.
The latest schedule kicked off in Hyderabad, focusing on the filming of intense action sequences. With a strong technical team on board, the production is progressing at a rapid pace.
Notable cinematographer Rasool Ellore is helming the visuals as the DOP, while renowned composer Harris Jayaraj is making a much-anticipated comeback to Telugu cinema with this project. The art direction is being managed by Rajeev Nair, and veteran editor KotagiriVenkateswara Rao is handling the film’s editing.The team has already completed 60% of the shoot, and the production is advancing swiftly. Preparations are underway to unveil the film’s title and first look in the near future, generating excitement among fans.