Home CAR & BIKES DIY: Replacing a few engine parts in my Alto K10

DIY: Replacing a few engine parts in my Alto K10

DIY: Replacing a few engine parts in my Alto K10

Remove the old o-rings from the spark plug hole and replace them with new ones.

BHPian Vagabond27 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

DIY- Replacing o-ring in engine headcover/sparkplug pipe of Alto K10 2010-2014

Engine oil enters into the spark plug hole due to worn out o-ring/ oil seal in the engine head cover.

Remove the air filter box

DIY: Replacing a few engine parts in my Alto K10

Remove the ignition coils of all the three cylinders and the 10 mm bolts on the head cover.

Engine oil leaking into the ignition oil

Remove the old o-rings from the spark plug hole and replace with new ones.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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