Warangal: “KCR’ sperseverance, Kaloji writings, and Prof. Jayashankar’s directions infused life into the Telangana Movement,” former chief whip D Vinay Bhaskar said. Speaking at the Deeksha Diwas programme in Hanumakonda on Friday, he recalled KCR’s words ‘KCR Chachudo-Telangana Vachudo’ (Either Telangana comes or KCR dies). “It indicated KCR’s resolve, and that attracted one and all in the State to fight for separate Telangana,” Vinay said.
MLC Vani Devi has all the praise for KCR who led the agitation peacefully and successfully.
“The credit goes to KCR for fulfilling the six-decade dream of the people in Telangana,” he said. Former Rajya Sabha member V Laxmikantha Rao said that KCR took the demand for a separate Telangana to the streets of Delhi.
KCR convinced several national leaders including Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and the then prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh the importance of separate Telangana, Laxmikantha Rao said.