Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy is set to hand over appointment letters to over 9,000 newly selected candidates based on various state government recruitment exams at a public meeting in Peddapalli on Wednesday. The event will mark the celebration of the first anniversary of the Congress government in Telangana, with the theme “Yuva Vikasam,” aimed at students, youth, and the unemployed.
As part of the anniversary celebrations, the Chief Minister is expected to announce new job notifications and highlight the Congress government’s achievement in filling the highest-ever number of vacancies — 54,520 positions — in less than a year.
The selected candidates will receive their appointment letters for various posts, including those from the recent Group-4 recruitment exam conducted by the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPC). Additionally, Revanth Reddy will hand over appointment letters to civil assistant surgeons selected through the Medical and Health Services Recruitment Board (MHSRB), as well as to candidates selected by Singareni Collieries and Company Ltd.
Since taking office in December 2023, the Congress government, under Revanth Reddy, has placed a strong emphasis on filling vacancies in the government sector. The state government has prioritised recruitment drives and successfully filled a record 54,520 positions within the first year.
A key focus of the Congress government’s recruitment efforts was reforming the TGPSC, speeding up recruitment processes that had stalled for years under the previous BRS regime due to issues like question paper leaks, exam cancellations, and ongoing court cases. The TGPSC has successfully filled 12,324 vacancies in just one year.
The MHSRB completed recruitment for 7,378 vacancies in the medical and health department, while the Telangana State Police Recruitment Board (TGPRB) set a record by filling 16,067 vacancies in the police department. Additionally, the Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Recruitment Board (TREIRB) filled 8,304 teaching vacancies in Gurukul schools and colleges.
A Mega DSC (District Selection Committee) teacher recruitment notification led to the swift filling of 10,006 teaching vacancies in government schools. Several other recruitment boards have collectively filled 441 positions across various state departments.
The efforts of the government to streamline recruitment processes and fill a significant number of vacancies have been praised for offering much-needed opportunities to the state’s youth and unemployed citizens.