Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia and West Bengal BJP President Sukanta Majumdar made a memorable appearance on the runway at a fashion event in New Delhi, walking the ramp to celebrate the rich and diverse traditional styles of India’s Northeast. The event, organized to showcase the vibrant fashion culture of the region, brought together prominent leaders, designers, and cultural enthusiasts to honor the unique textiles, craftsmanship, and attire from the Northeast.
The fashion show, held on Friday evening, featured traditional outfits from various Northeastern states, including Assam, Nagaland, and Mizoram, emphasising intricate handloom fabrics, traditional accessories, and vibrant colors that represent the diverse cultural heritage of the region. The ramp was adorned with traditional attire, with models and special guests, including Scindia and Majumdar, donning outfits made from locally sourced fabrics like Muga silk and handwoven textiles.
Scindia, who wore a stylish kurta paired with a traditional shawl, and Majumdar, in a classic Northeast-inspired outfit, received applause from the audience for their efforts to bring attention to the unique cultural identity of India’s Northeast. Their participation in the event highlighted the government’s push to promote regional handicrafts and tourism, with an emphasis on integrating local craftsmanship into mainstream fashion.
The event was not only a celebration of fashion but also a platform to encourage cultural exchange and recognition of the Northeast’s contributions to India’s diverse cultural fabric. Attendees expressed their appreciation for the efforts to showcase the region’s styles and ensure they receive the recognition they deserve on a national stage. The fashion show was a success in raising awareness about the beauty and uniqueness of Northeast India’s traditions.