A 27-year-old Hyderabad woman who had suffered four miscarriages due to a weak uterus sought help at KIMS Hospitals. Despite being nine weeks pregnant at the time, doctors waited until 12 weeks to perform a laparoscopic procedure to strengthen her uterus. The surgery successfully provided the support needed to carry the baby to term, said Dr. Cheepurupalli Vasundhara, Senior Gynecologist at KIMS.
Published Date – 11 December 2024, 03:00 PM
Hyderabad: A couple, who suffered four miscarriages due to a severely weak uterus that was unable to support the fetus have finally achieved the dream of becoming parents.
Senior gynecologists at Krishna Institute Medical Sciences (KIMS) Hospitals performed laparoscopic sutures on the uterus during pregnancy, helping the wife carry the baby to term
“A 27-year-old woman from Hyderabad had experienced four miscarriages previously. We suggested corrective treatment before her next pregnancy. However, she approached us when she was already nine weeks pregnant. Since medical intervention is not advisable until 12 weeks of pregnancy, we waited until then. Afterward, we performed a laparoscopic procedure to strengthen it. The miscarriages were due to her uterus being too weak to carry the baby, but this procedure provided the necessary support,” said Dr. Cheepurupalli Vasundhara, Senior Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon at KIMS, said.
After the intervention, she successfully completed her full-term pregnancy without complications. We delivered the baby via a cesarean section, and the couple’s joy was immeasurable upon welcoming their healthy baby.
To ensure no complications in future pregnancies, we proactively stitched the upper part of her uterus, which strengthened the uterus, ensuring it could support the baby. She can now conceive again without facing any risks,” added Dr. Vasundhara added.