Vijayawada : Chief commissioner of state taxes Babu A instructed the officials of all departments on Wednesday to work in coordination for the grand success of the release of the Swarnan-dhra@2047 vision document by Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu at Indira Gandhi Munic-ipal Corporation Stadium here on Thursday.
Reviewing the arrangements for the program at the collector’s camp office here, he directed the officials to make all necessary arrangements including parking of buses arriving from all over the state, parking for VIP vehicles, security check posts, security at the entry-exit points, seating arrangements for VIPs and general public, barricading, public address system, LED screens and others.
Necessary arrangements for uninterrupted power supply, drinking water supply, sanitary, transport and medical camps were discussed.
Mines and geology commissioner and director Pravin Kumar, additional secretary (finance) J Nivas, Saap vice-chairman and MD Girisha PS, joint collector Dr Nidhi Meena, commissioner of police S V Rajasekhar Babu, municipal commissioner Dhyana Chandra and others partici-pated.