Indian actress Taapsee Pannu has revealed that she married her long-term boyfriend, badminton player Mathias Boe, in December 2023, not this year as many believed. In an interview, Taapsee explained that they had a private registered marriage last year, and their anniversary is coming up soon. She chose not to make a formal announcement about the marriage, but decided to share the information now. Taapsee also expressed her desire to keep a clear separation between her personal and professional life, as she believes excessive exposure of one’s personal life can negatively impact both spheres. The actress had a traditional wedding ceremony with Mathias in March, which was attended by their close friends and family.
Taapsee and Mathias were in a relationship for around a decade. In January 2023, Taapsee expressed her desire for a simple, low-key wedding with muted colors, without any late-night rituals. She recently starred in the comedy drama film Khel Khel Mein (2024) directed by Mudassar Aziz and is yet to announce her next project.