Hyderabad: A 32-year-old, Sandeep Senthil, was brutally murdered by his friends, Narsimha and Rahil, at Kanajiguda of Alwal late on Sunday night. Senthil’s brother-in-law, Raj Kumar, was also severely injured in the incident. Police said the accused killed the victim due to some old enmity.
Police arrested Narsimha and Rahil and sent them to judicial remand on Monday.
According to police, the deceased worked for a private firm. Senthil’s brother-in-law Raj Kumar and the accused were all friends for a long time and resided in the same locality under Alwal police station limits. They would frequently meet over drinks.
In the past, they fought over petty issues while consuming alcohol, due to which the accused nursed a grudge against Senthil. On Sunday night around 10pm, when Senthil and Raj Kumar were at Senthil’s house, the accused suddenly barged inside and stabbed Senthil multiple times. They also injured Raj Kumar when he tried to rescue Senthil. The accused left them both in a pool of blood, and fled from the spot.
Neighbours rushed them both to Gandhi Hospital, where Senthil succumbed in the early hours. Raj Kumar is still in the hospital and under observation, said an Alwal police official.