The complex surgeries lasted 12 hours during which the liver and kidney donors and the patient had their surgeries almost simultaneously in adjacent operation theatres.
Published Date – 17 December 2024, 08:49 PM

Hyderabad: The surgeons at Hyderabad-based Star Hospitals performed simultaneous liver and kidney transplant on a 54-year-old critically ill patient, Ramarao, a businessman from Ongole. The businessman’s wife donated her matching kidney while son donated a part of his liver, enabling the surgeons to take-up simultaneous kidney and liver transplant surgeries.
The complex surgeries lasted 12 hours during which the liver and kidney donors and the patient had their surgeries almost simultaneously in adjacent operation theatres. Both the donors i.e. spouse and son, were discharged within a week in excellent condition.
“Post transplant, the patient had a smooth and uneventful recovery. The complex surgery involved a team of over 50 doctors and other medical staff from multiple health departments who worked together with great precision,” Dr. Mettu Srinivas Reddy, Director and lead surgeon at Star Liver Institute, said.
Ramarao was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis B and kidney failure along with several comorbidities. He was admitted with severe infection, low blood pressure, hepatic coma and accumulation of toxins in the blood due to combined liver and kidney failure.
Dr Golamari Srinivasa Reddy, Lead for Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology, Dr. Sridhar, Director Nephrology and Renal Transplant, Dr. Ravindranath, Chief Mentor, Star Liver institute and others were part of the surgical team.