Home GADGETS Some iPhone users might switch to Samsung Galaxy for better AI features

Some iPhone users might switch to Samsung Galaxy for better AI features

Some iPhone users might switch to Samsung Galaxy for better AI features

With more AI features reaching iPhone owners with each subsequent software update, it’s natural to wonder how iOS owners like Apple Intelligence so far and how their experience compares to Samsung Galaxy users. Apparently, users in neither camp are greatly impressed, but AI is enough of a factor to put loyalties at stake.Smartphone and tablet reseller SellCell surveyed 2,000 people in the US – 1,000 iOS users and 1,000 Android users – for their feedback on AI features. Most users are unimpressed with AI features, with 73 percent of iPhone users and 87 percent of Galaxy owners saying that they add little to no value.

58 percent of iPhone users and 53 percent of Samsung users haven’t gotten down to using AI features yet. Out of those who have tried the features, the majority found writing tools and notification summaries the most useful.

Even though users of both ecosystems have displayed a general lack of interest in AI functionalities, it looks like iOS users value them a little more and might be more willing than Samsung users to trade loyalties for them.

Per the survey, 16.8 percent or 1 in 6 iPhone users said that they would consider getting a Samsung phone for better AI features, whereas only 9.7 percent of Samsung users would think about switching to iOS. While neither percentage is drastic, when you consider the fact that Apple users have traditionally been more loyal, they jump out at you more.

At the same time, it’s important to note that while Apple enjoys a higher brand loyalty, it has been declining more steeply compared to Samsung. Is AI going to be the straw that will push iPhone users to consider one of the top Android phones of 2024 instead of an AI-eligible iPhone?

Moving on, it’s not surprising that AI factors in more heavily for iPhone users when upgrading (47.6 percent vs 23.7 percent) and they are also more likely than Samsung users to pay for AI features (11.6 percent vs 4 percent).

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