Home CAR & BIKES My brief encounter with the mid/late 90’s tank: The Opel Astra Review

My brief encounter with the mid/late 90’s tank: The Opel Astra Review

My brief encounter with the mid/late 90’s tank: The Opel Astra Review

Many years later, sometime in 2021, I got to see this 1997 Opel Astra with the SPFI engine which had done a genuine 70,000km.

BHPian wigsom recently shared this with other enthusiasts:


This is a brief encounter with what could arguably be called the tank of the mid and late ’90s – the Opel Astra.

Disclaimer: An attempt has been made to capture available information on the engines and present them as accurately as possible. Kindly ignore errors that might have crept in inadvertently.

Brief on the Opel Astra

The Opel Astra came to India in 1996 with one engine – a single point fuel injected 1.6 liter petrol. The 1.6 liter 16NZR SPFI petrol followed which eventually gave way to an MPFI version of the same engine. A 1.7 weak and hi-maintenance diesel also followed.

The 16NZR Single Point Fuel Injection engine
My brief encounter with the mid/late 90’s tank: The Opel Astra Review

Injection module and throttle body beneath

Diesel engine in the Astra

MPFI engine in the Astra
Opel Astra – Owners’ Feedback


1. Solid build
2. Great handling
3. Supremely comfortable ride
4. Some mechanical components were built to last long eg. clutch, steering
5. Feature rich and the best interiors for its time at that price point (will not dwell on these as folks today might laugh )
6. Stately looks even today
7. Senior citizen friendly – ingress and egress


1. Weak SPFI engine and pathetic diesel
2. Expensive spares – mechanical, electrical and body parts
3. Reliability of electricals/electronics eg. fuel pump, ignition module
4. “Un-rectifiable” camber resulting in a one side pull
5. slow deceleration – it was like the throttle body playing in slow motion; would become an issue in abrupt braking situations

Continue reading BHPian vigsom’s post for more insights and information.

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