Hyderabad Police vs actor Allu Arjun continued on Sunday, with the force releasing a video to back the its assertion that the Telugu superstar did not leave Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre despite being informed about the stampede outside during the premiere of his latest blockbuster, “Pushpa 2.”
Meanwhile, a group of people from the city’s Osmania University vandalised Allu Arjun’s residence demanding compensation of at least ₹1 crore for the family of the stampede victim, a 35-year-old woman whose son is battling for life.
Sandhya Theatre mishap | Latest updates
1. A police official on Sunday said he informed Arjun about the stampede and the woman’s death and asked him to leave. He claimed the latter insisted on leaving only after watching the film.
2. The above development came after the actor, at a press conference on Saturday, claimed no police official had met him in the theatre.
3. The 41-year-old superstar held the press conference to respond to MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi’s allegation, which the former described as “character assassination.”
4. Police have registered a case against six members of Osmania University’s Joint Action Committee for allegedly vandalising Arjun’s house in the posh Jubilee Hills area.
5. The incident occurred around 4:45 pm on Sunday, DCP, West Zone, Hyderabad, stated, adding that stringent action has been initiated against the accused.
6. “Everyone has seen what happened at our house today. But it is time for us to act accordingly. Now is not the right time for us to react to anything,” Allu Aravind, Arjun’s father and a producer, told the press.
7. Telangana CM Revanth Reddy also condemned the incident. “Laxity in law and order will not be tolerated,” Reddy posted on X.
8. Arjun was arrested on December 13, nine days after the stampede incident.
9. While a local court remanded Allu Arjun to 14-day judicial custody, Telangana high court gave him four-week interim bail the same day. However, Allu Arjun had to spend the night in jail before being released this morning.
10. Visuals of the actor “celebrating” the bail with his family and peers had left a section of social media outraged.