Home GADGETS Raspberry Pi Pico streams real-time video to Nintendo’s Game boy Color

Raspberry Pi Pico streams real-time video to Nintendo’s Game boy Color

Raspberry Pi Pico streams real-time video to Nintendo’s Game boy Color

Four days ago, YouTuber ChromaLock uploaded a build log of his latest hardware project on his channel. This time, he showcased a Game Boy Color capable of playing back video through its original link cable via a Raspberry Pi Pico and custom software optimized for the workload.

Generally, simpler video means higher playback FPS— with surprisingly good clarity and smoothness for a connected USB webcam versus the classic Game Boy Camera accessory— but most videos are best played in monochrome since colors are limited to a palette of 4 and make videos even harder to run on Game Boy Color’s 160 x 144-pixel display.

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