Not to get trapped in spurious products, decided to check with Toyota dealerships whether they sell any projector fog lights as well.
BHPian CEF_Beasts recently shared this with other enthusiasts:
The car has completed 3000kms and running just fine except that I have already started noticing the centre armrest lid groaning and creaking.
I was looking for a set of lights either to complement the current lighting setup or add additional lights. I had even procured a set of Stedi LED lights from Australia which can be fitted between the lower air dam and grill, but never got around to fixing them since it would’ve voided the warranty.
Then I started seeing videos of Aozoom’s 2 inch projector fog lights made specifically for Toyota cars (Fortuner, Innova HyCross, Crysta and the likes, basically any Toyota with the OEM 2 inch fog lights). Never really seriously considered them until a few other members were/are also planning to get them installed in their cars.
Called a few accessory shops in and around Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. One particular shop in Vashi was selling the FLP2030 for 12.5k including installation, meanwhile other shops were quoting 17-17.5k for the same lights including installation. No prize for guessing how could there be such a big price variation!
Not to get trapped in spurious products, decided to check with Toyota dealerships whether they sell any projector fog lights as well. Called up Madhuban Toyota Lower Parel and they sell NFS branded 2 inch projector fog lights at ₹26k which I felt was very steep. Decided to take a chance with Lakozy as well since this is from where we’ve purchased the car. Called their central landline number which was patched to Lakozy Malad’s Accessories Dept. where they were selling the exact model FLP2030 I wanted at ₹19k (a ₹2-2.5k premium compared to outside). Casually asked the Accessory Department Head’s name and it turned out to be the same person who had helped me source and install the Sony XAV-3200 in my Fortuner right at their dealership. Placed the order on 24th December and the lights were with them on 26th December, 25th being a holiday for Christmas.
So finally took the plunge after a lot of back and forth and upgraded to Aozoom FLP2030 Fog Projectors in its single colour variant ie. White since the tri-colour version has some flickering issues as I found out from other members and its supply has been stopped by FBL Automotive.
The box of the Aozoom FLP2030 fog projector lights fitted in its white colour variant.
Sharing some before and after pictures:
With the old fog lights switched on only, headlight’s low beam is switched off. The OEM fog lights have a very small area of coverage and from the driver’s seat they are almost non-existent in terms of lighting up the road ahead.
Both the coupler and frame of this particular light is made to replace Toyota’s OEM 2 inch fog light, without any kind of modification done to the OEM bumper bracket and no tampering of wires. These are bi-beam LED projectors and have not activated the high beam function since it would require tapping the headlight’s high beam, which the Toyota dealership from where I got these installed suggested not to. Also since the frame is made specifically for Toyota cars the screw+spring system to adjust the projector is not used.
The installation in progress, best part is the bumper doesn’t have to be opened to install the lights, since we all know Toyota’s bumper clips are weaker than normal and there are unwanted panel gaps created if opened
The look from outside after the installation.
The view from the driver’s seat:
Only the low beam of the headlight is switched on here.
Only the fog lights are switched on here.
Both the low beam of the headlights and fog lights are switched on here.
With all lights switched on: Fog Lights + Low beam and High beam of the headlights here.
The view from outside:
Only the low beam of the Headlight is switched on here.
Only the fog lights are switched on here.
Both the low beam of the headlights and fog lights are switched on here.
Many assume these powerful projector fog lights can provide similar output as the low beam of the headlights, well in the the HyCross that’s technically not possible since the fog lights placement is right at the bottom of the bumper, compared to a higher location of the fog lights in the Fortuner.
I got these fog light projectors installed at the dealership from where I’ve purchased the car from, effectively keeping my warranty intact with proper paperwork (Toyota’s letter-head bill and Aozoom’s warranty card) to support the same in case there is an issue in the future.
In the aftermarket the same lights would’ve costed me ₹2-2.5k lesser including installation, but paid the premium for peace of mind and the dealership supposedly gets a lot of HyCross’ for this upgrade, there was another HyCross after mine which had come for the same upgrade.
A parting shot with some Christmas + New Year Lighting and wishing everyone a very Happy New Year
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.