Home CAR & BIKES Portland drive in my Tesla Model 3 Performance: Charging cost & range

Portland drive in my Tesla Model 3 Performance: Charging cost & range

Portland drive in my Tesla Model 3 Performance: Charging cost & range

For charging, we stopped once while going and once on return and both times roughly 30 minutes as the superchargers were really fast ones.

BHPian mobike008 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Day Trip to Portland, Oregon:

Yesterday made a quick day trip to buy a few things from the tax free state of Portland.

Me and a pal started from home at 9:00am and were in Portland by little after noon and spent time there until 5:00pm and headed back home which we reached by 9:00pm after covering 430 miles ( ~ 700kms).

Some stats of the car range, charging and cost.

Enroute Portland, we stopped little before the border of Oregon for a charge. It’s nice to see the information that Tesla provides apart from preconditioning the battery with respect to how many stalls are empty and which ones are not working etc.

Superchargers are darn expensive in the West Coast. It was about $0.35/KwH (Compare that to my home charging which is roughly $0.10/KwH)

For charging, we stopped once while going and once on return and both times roughly 30 minutes as the superchargers were really fast ones adding 650 miles/hour to 550 miles/hour of charge.

Cost was $16 & $17 plus the rough cost of charging at home which is $7 so a total of $40 for making this trip to Portland. Compared to a gas car which would have costed me little over double but, I would have saved an hour of charging wait time.

Here are some pics of the trip- It was raining cats and dogs while going and also while coming back. Otherwise, the weather in Portland was sunny and slight drizzle.

Coffee Break Enroute

Portland drive in my Tesla Model 3 Performance: Charging cost & range

Rainy & Cloudy weather all through…Sigh!

Nice Info just before reaching the Superchargers

Typical cost when you charge to 80% from 10%.

Charging on way back.

Lovely Pulled Pork and Brisket Tacos for Lunch.

Nice charging speeds.

Final trip meter after reaching home.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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