Tension prevailed at CMR Engineering College in Medchal in Hyderabad following allegations of inappropriate video recording in the girls’ hostel bathroom. The distressed girl students who protested and expressed their anger also demanded for immediate action from the authorities. The incident came to light when some students suspected that videos were being secretly recorded in the hostel bathroom. The students alleged that the culprits could be people working in the hostel kitchen.
This shocking revelation enraged the students, following which they gathered outside the college demanding justice.
As soon as information about the incident was received, Medchal police reached the spot and started investigating. The officials assured the students that the matter would be thoroughly investigated and that strict action would be taken against those found guilty. The police registered a case against a few suspects and arrested some of them. They are taking them to the police station and investigating. At present the police is investigating the incident. This incident raises many questions regarding the safety of girls in the hostel.
The college management has not yet issued any statement on this incident.
A few months back, a similar protest broke out after students at S R Gudlavalleru Engineering College in Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh alleged of similar incident. The students poured out their woes to Mines Minister K Ravindra, who reached the college with the district collector and superintendent of police, following instructions from Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu.