Home NEWS Mandatory rule leads to surge in helmet heist in Vijayawada

Mandatory rule leads to surge in helmet heist in Vijayawada

Mandatory rule leads to surge in helmet heist in Vijayawada

Vijayawada: Motorists in Vijayawada are lately troubled due to rampant helmet theft, an unintended consequence of the mandatory helmet rule imposed by the police following orders from the Andhra Pradesh high court.
Many residents expressed frustration after the helmets they had purchased for thousands of rupees,are being stolen. This had added to their financial burdens and put them at risk of having to pay fines.
The decision to enforce helmet use came after alarming road safety statistics revealed that in 2024, over 660 two-wheeler riders lost their lives in road accidents across Andhra Pradesh. Officials noted that more than half of these fatalities could have been prevented if the victims wore helmets. Acting on a public interest litigation (PIL), the high court mandated use of helmet and ordered strict fines on violators.
Police established check posts at key entry points like Prakasam Barrage, Ramavarappadu, and Kanakadurga Varadhi to enforce compliance. Riders without helmets were fined or turned back. This led to a surge in the helmet sale. On the other hand, it also shot up helmet heist cases in the city.
Victims of such thefts often faced repeated expenses.
“I had bought a branded helmet for ₹1,800 after being fined. A few days later, it was stolen from my parked vehicle. I had to spend another ₹1,500 to buy a new helmet again,” said M Roop Kumar, a private employee.
Following the surge in helmet heist, many motorists have started investing in helmet locks to secure their helmets on the roads. The increase in demand of the helmet locks have however increased their prices too.
“I paid ₹400 for a single lock, and some shops are running out of stock within no time,” said K Suresh, a marketing professional.
Meanwhile, despite the growing problem, most victims refrain from filing complaints, citing the low value of helmets and the inconvenience of dealing with the police.

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