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First case of HMPV Virus spreading rapidly in China found in India, 8 month old child infected

First case of HMPV Virus spreading rapidly in China found in India, 8 month old child infected

HMPV virus first case in India The case of HMPV virus which is spreading rapidly in China has now been found in India also. The virus was found in an 8-month-old child in Bengaluru. The child was admitted to the hospital due to fever. The virus is spreading rapidly due to which many countries are on alert mode. The central government is also on alert mode regarding the virus.

Digital Desk, New Delhi. Now after Corona in China HMPV Virus Creating terror. The virus is spreading rapidly, due to which many countries are on alert mode. Now the first case of this virus has been found in India also.

Infection found in 8 month old child in Bengaluru

HMPV Virus has been found in an 8-month-old baby in a hospital in Bengaluru. According to ICMR, the child was admitted to the hospital due to fever. The Government of India is also alert about this and advisory has also been issued.

What did the government say?

After the detection of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV Virus in India), the Health Department said that it was not detected in their lab, this case came to light in a private hospital. Let us tell you here that most of the cases of HMPV Virus are found only in small children. In China also it is found only in children.

What are the symptoms of HMPV Virus?

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) virus is also difficult to detect. Actually, its symptoms are like common cough and cold. Symptoms like cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing occur in it.

What did the Health Ministry say?

In the wake of the recent outbreak of Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China, the Health Ministry on Saturday said India is keeping a close watch on the situation and is fully prepared to deal with it. Also said that WHO has also been requested to share updates on time. As a precautionary measure, the number of laboratories testing HMPV cases will be increased and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will monitor HMPV cases throughout the year.

HMPV is not a deadly virus like Covid

Dr. Rajiv Jayadevan, President of the Research Cell of the Kerala unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) said that this virus is not as deadly or lethal as Covid-19. Yes, it can definitely cause lung infection in some individuals. He said HMPV is very common in young children and almost 100 percent of young children become infected by the age of four or five. The expert said that in most people HMPV will cause mild symptoms. Also read – Will HMPV introduced in China become a threat to India? What is the opinion of the doctors; Read the answers to all such questions

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