Global star Ram Charan’s latest movie is ‘Game Changer’. AP Deputy Chief Minister Janasenani and Power Star Pawan Kalyan were the chief guests at the pre-release ceremony at Rajamahendravaram on Saturday. Ava Manikantha (23) and Tokada Charan (22) from Gaigolupadu of Kakinada district attended the ceremony. Both of them died when they were accidentally hit by a van in Vadisaleru while returning home on a bike.
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Ram Charan expressed deep grief over the death of his fans. As soon as he came to know about the incident, he sent his men to the house of the fans to give them courage. Financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh has been announced for the families. Ram Charan said, “We want the fans who came to the event to go home safely. That is what our AP Deputy CM, Babai Pawan Kalyan wants. It is unfortunate that such an incident happened. I can understand how sad the families of the fans are. I am so sad. I express my deepest sympathy to the families of the fans.”