Vijayawada: A 65-year-old woman was killed by her daughter and the latter’s paramour near Kondapalli in NTR district on Monday night. Police said the victim, identified as Esther, was a widow and lived alone in her house near a quarry in Kondapalli. Her second daughter, Jeevamani (38), was estranged from her husband. She was reportedly in a relationship with one Nagoor Vali (24).
Esther used to frequently reprimand Jeevamani over her affair. On Monday evening, Jeevamani along with Vali went to her mother’s house. A heated argument ensued, during which Vali struck Esther on the head with a grinding stone. The impact caused her to fall onto a cement slab. When they realised she was dead, both fled the scene. The crime came to light on Tuesday when neighbours discovered Esther’s body and alerted the police. Inspector G Guru Prakash of Ibrahimpatnam police station led the investigation, and formed a special team, which picked up Jeevamani and Vali. During questioning, they confessed to the crime. The grinding stone used in the murder and their bloodstained clothes were also recovered.