Hyderabad: Eli Lilly and Company on Thursday said it plans to set up a new global capability centre (GCC) in Hyderabad. To be called Lilly Capability Centre India (LCCI), the GCC will be US pharma giant’s second GCC in India after Bengaluru, which was launched in 2016.
The company said it will hire over 1,000 highly skilled people in Hyderabad to strengthen its digital strategy and service delivery to start with. Initially, the centre will focus on expanding Lilly’s capabilities in automation, AI, software product engineering, and cloud computing to deliver advanced technology solutions that meet the evolving needs of its business globally, Eli Lilly said. The company said recruitment for new LCCI Hyderabad is underway with plans to employ around 1,000 to 1,500 highly skilled professionals, including technology engineers and data scientists. LCCI is expected to be operational by mid-2025.
“LCCI Hyderabad will focus on scaling up Lilly’s innovation and efficiency by unlocking new technological advancements and leveraging data insights, accelerating the delivery of next-generation medicines to patients around the world,” Lilly said. However, the company did not divulge any investment figures.
Telangana IT minister Sridhar Babu said: “The investment underscores Hyderabad’s growing reputation as a hub for healthcare innovation and talent. We are confident that this centre will contribute significantly to the local economy and help improve health globally.” “Hyderabad is a hub of innovation with decades of history in technology, and we are excited to announce plans to launch a new centre here. We will bring together talented technology professionals who want to make life better for people around the world,” said Diogo Rau, executive vice president, Eli Lilly.”LCCI Hyderabad will bring together engineers across disciplines to create advanced technologies and tools to help solve some of the world’s most significant health challenges,” he added.
“Our teams in India play a pivotal role in driving Lilly’s global business support with centralised, scalable solutions. LCCI Hyderabad will enhance our technical capabilities, enabling us to better meet growing business demands, fully leverage technology in our operations, and further expand our presence in India,” said Manish Arora, Managing Director, LCCI Hyderabad.