Kamareddy: Kamareddy police arrested L. Ravinder Reddy, also known as Mulkala Ravinder, from Ramakrishnapur village in Mancherial mandal for posing as a qualified general medicine doctor. For the past two years, Ravinder worked at various hospitals in Kamareddy town, including Star Hospital, Arogya Hospital, and Bheemaraj Hospital in Lingampet, using forged medical certificates. An intermediate dropout, he falsified his qualifications to secure these positions. Additionally, Ravinder received an advance of ₹6 lakh from Shankumkha Hospital in Khanapur to serve as a paediatrician. Concerns about his credentials led IMA representatives from Kamareddy district to file a complaint with the Telangana Medical Council. TMC registrar Lalaiah Kumar identified the fake certificates and reported the matter to Kamareddy police. The accused was subsequently arrested and remanded to judicial custody.