Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest offering Daaku Maharaaj released today and the response is extremely positive. The team of Daaku Maharaaj interacted with the media to share their happiness. The film’s producer S Naga Vamsi announced that he has a plan for the prequel of the film. “The story of a headless man sitting on the horse is shown in the film. We are planning the sequel of Daaku Maharaaj with the story of the headless man” told Naga Vamsi.
Bobby Kolli said that he shared the idea of the sequel and the film’s producer S Naga Vamsi is excited about it. Vamsi also announced that the team will celebrate the success of the film in Anantapur and the date will be announced. Nandamuri Balakrishna is busy and he did not attend the success meet interaction. The team of Daaku Maharaaj will gather this evening and will celebrate the success of the film. Daaku Maharaaj also has Shraddha Srinath, Urvashi Rautela, Pragya Jaiswal, Bobby Deol and others playing important roles. Thaman’s background score and Karthik Kannan’s cinematography work are widely appreciated apart from Balakrishna’s roaring performance.