Hyderabad: The LB Nagar Special Operations Team arrested four individuals and seized drugs from them. The accused, who had procured drugs from Bengaluru, were caught while en route to supply them in the city. The arrested individuals are Tenugu Ajay from Jillelaguda, Ganduri Jafanya Raj alias Ricky, and Dasari Wilson alias Raju from Suryapet district, and Gadikana Mahender Kumar from Karmanghat.
Initially drug consumers, the group eventually turned to trafficking after becoming acquainted through mutual friends. They had brought 5 grams of MDMA from Bengaluru by train and were on their way to deliver it to a user near Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar, when the police intercepted them. Authorities also seized their car and four mobile phones. The suspects have been produced before the court, and further investigation is ongoing, according to a Rachakonda police official.
Initially drug consumers, the group eventually turned to trafficking after becoming acquainted through mutual friends. They had brought 5 grams of MDMA from Bengaluru by train and were on their way to deliver it to a user near Kamineni Hospital, LB Nagar, when the police intercepted them. Authorities also seized their car and four mobile phones. The suspects have been produced before the court, and further investigation is ongoing, according to a Rachakonda police official.