Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita (fans termed the couple as Chai-So) had their wedding last month in December 2024 in Hyderabad. It is a tradition in South India that in-laws invite Kotta Alludu (son-in-law) to their home for Sankranthi celebrations. So, Naga Chaitanya, following the tradition, went to Vizag, the hometown of Sobhita.
The newlywed couple celebrated Sankranthi Festival 2025 at the residence of Sobhita’s parents. They shared a photo of them together in traditional attire.
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita are enjoying every moment of their blissful married life. They live together in Hyderabad.
Naga Chaitanya will have his next movie release next month. The much-awaited “Thandel,” starring Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi, will hit the theaters on February 7, 2025.