Victory Venkatesh and Anil Ravipudi teamed up for the third time for Sankranthiki Vastunnam and the film surpassed Sankranthi biggies like Game Changer and Daaku Maharaaj. The film generated enough buzz through the songs and the promotional content and the family crowds rushed to theatres to watch the film. Sankranthiki Vastunnam is showing a pure dominance all over and the film minted Rs 33.7 crore (share) across the globe. The film collected Rs 7.4 crores in Nizam and Rs 14.5 crores in Andhra region.
The movie made Rs 4.3 crores in Ceeded and Rs 2.5 crores in Rest of India. The film also performed so strong across the overseas and it collected Rs 5 crores outside India. Sankranthiki Vastunnam is racing towards the biggest hit in Venkatesh’s career. Trade experts predict that the closing theatrical share would touch Rs 100 crore mark. Produced by Dil Raju, Sankranthiki Vastunnam is a perfect family entertainer for Sankranthi and it has Aishwarya Rajesh and Meenakshi Chaudhary playing the heroines. Bheems scored some blockbuster tunes for Sankranthiki Vastunnam.