SURYAPET: Governor Jishnu Dev Varma praised the measures taken up by the district administration to bring the anaemia rate from 73% in 2021 to 21% in 2024. He was speaking at a meeting with district officials, artists, writers, and celebrities in the integrated district officers building complex in Suryapet on Thursday.
Upon visiting the district, the governor was welcomed by Irrigation Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy, District Collector Tejas Nandalal Pawar and other officials. He visited the stalls set up by various departments in the premises of the office complex.
After Jishnu Dev was informed about the development and welfare programmes being implemented in the district through a PowerPoint presentation, he said that it was commendable how the anaemia had been regulated in the district, especially in the rural areas.
He expressed contentment that 475 Gram Panchayats have been declared as open-defecation-free villages after the Swachh Bharat was implemented. The governor necessitated the involvement of people in such programmes, especially officials, public representatives, celebrities, writers and artists to pull the impoverished out of poverty.
Stating that the programmes of self-help women groups in the district were essential, Jishnu Varma said the future of development depends on empowering the women. “Self-employed women and those who have achieved success should be made known to society, so others are inspired by them. We can have financial empowerment when women possess the money,” the governor said.
He further said that it was praiseworthy that Suryapet is in a better position in terms of health and education, especially when 96.91% of students have passed the tenth class in 2024.