Warangal: Panchayat raj minister Seethakka emphasised the need for vigilance against emerging diseases due to environmental changes while inaugurating a Mega Health Camp on Sunday at the remote agency village of Gangaram in Guduru mandal, Mahbubabad district. The event, organised by the police department under the supervision of district superintendent of police Sudheer Ramnath Kekan, was held at the Girl’s Residential School and attracted approximately 1,500 attendees from surrounding villages.
The free medical camp featured a team of expert doctors from various specialties who conducted comprehensive health examinations and distributed free medications to the villagers. Additionally, the camp provided essential supplies, including blankets for the elderly, volleyball kits for the youth, and free meals arranged by the police, aimed at supporting the health and well-being of the community.
During the inauguration, Seethakka praised the police for their relentless efforts to reach isolated communities, ensuring that residents receive necessary medical care. She highlighted the dedication of the police force in enhancing healthcare access for people living in remote areas, particularly those affected by Maoist activities.
Superintendent of police Sudheer Ramnath Kekan said that the district police are committed to the welfare and development of residents in Maoist-affected regions, where progress has been slow. He noted that such medical camps are crucial in addressing the healthcare challenges faced by rural populations and reaffirmed the police’s role in fostering a peaceful and secure environment.