Hyderabad: In a first such initiative to address enhance investigation, police commissioner C.V. Anand announced the transfer of 573 Armed Reserve constables into the law and order department. Another 300 AR constables were attached to the department as drivers.
These personnel were trained for around three weeks to serve different wings of the city police. Of the 573 AR personnel, 284 would be deployed with 71 police stations, while 225 would be working with the traffic police, 25 each with the Special Branch and the Task Force, eight with the Narcotics wing and six with the Cybercrime wing.
Around 450 civil constables would accompany the AR personnel.
According to officials, these 573 constables were trained to interact with the public, solve cases, patrol, among a few things. Based on the strengths and educational qualifications of the constable, they were segregated into different wings.
Constables good with technical skills or possessing a BTech degree were sent to the cybercrime department.
Speaking on the occasion, Hyderabad police commissioner C.V. Anand advised the constables to work in tandem with the civil police and focus on working with the public. “You need a lot of patience and tolerance, you will have to work among different sections of people,” he said.
He clarified that this initiative was an attachment and did not entitle them to any rights of seniority or conversion and was being done to overcome the severe shortage of civil police which is adversely affecting patrolling and basic duties in police stations.
Anand told the AR personnel: “Whenever you receive any small information or witness any incident while on duty, you should immediately inform the higher authorities without neglecting it. Be very alert at traffic junctions as negligence might lead to traffic jams. You should ensure that you are friendly with the local people and elders of the place where you are working.”