Hyderabad: Hospitals across Telangana resumed services under the Aarogyasri healthcare scheme following negotiations between the Telangana Network Hospitals Association (TANHA) and state health minister Damodara Rajanarasimha.
The breakthrough came after a crucial meeting at the Aarogyasri Health Care Trust headquarters in Hyderabad, where the govt committed to clearing pending dues within 4-5 months and promised regular payments.
“We are grateful for this positive response to our concerns,” said TANHA President Dr V Rakesh. “The govt has shown genuine commitment to addressing the challenges faced by network hospitals, particularly the smaller and mid-segment facilities.”
A key outcome of the negotiations was the formation of a special committee, headed by the CEO of Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, to redraft the scheme’s memorandum of understanding and revise the compensation packages.
“The minister has assured us that the committee will include representatives from hospitals, ensuring our concerns are properly addressed in the revised framework,” Dr Rakesh added.
The resolution ends a 10-day service suspension that affected thousands of beneficiaries across the state. All empanelled hospitals have now been asked to restore their services under the scheme.