Hyderabad: The Telangana high court on Friday quashed the criminal case against BRS working president KT Rama Rao, BRS MLA Maganti Gopinath and four others registered by police on May last year over a press meet near Charminar. The police claimed they had violated prohibitory orders.
Charminar police had filed the case on the grounds that KTR did not obtain prior permission as per rule once prohibitory order is promulgated by the competent authority. They said the meeting was attended by over 80 people. The police filed an FIR stating that KTR’s action attracted IPC section 188 (wilful disobedience towards the order of a public servant).
However, their counsel TV Ramana Rao claimed the question of disobedience did not arise as there was no such order promulgated, pointing out that neither the FIR nor the chargesheet spoke about the authority that promulgated the order. Justice K Lakshman agreed with him and quashed the FIR.tnn