Home CAR & BIKES Mahindra Bolero crashes into a Honda City; Seat belts saves lives

Mahindra Bolero crashes into a Honda City; Seat belts saves lives

Mahindra Bolero crashes into a Honda City; Seat belts saves lives

The Honda City wasn’t just hit by the Bolero but because our parking break was raised, the car didn’t move any further but turned and hit the pole to its right causing the front airbags to open

BHPian HycroBiteVFire recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Had it not been for the seatbelt, TeamBHP wouldn’t have had HycrobiteVFire as a member

Hey everyone, quite an emotional article for me as I revisit one of my toughest moments ever- my car accident back in April 2024. I wanted to share my experience with all of you and wanted you to know where does build quality actually come into play and how uncertain life is.. so make your decisions wisely.

I’ll keep it relatively shorter here as the main purpose at the end of the day here is to create awareness. So let me take you step by step into the darkest chapter of my automotive life as I like to call it.

15th April 2024, 6:50 AM- I was looking at our school farewell pictures which our cohort organised for the graduated ones. That event was truly an unforgettable one hence even 5 days after it had ended, I was just looking at the pictures as a feel good factor before leaving for school at 7. Once I was done, I turned on my TV, put up “Liquid Time” by Aakash Gandhi (which I first heard on a Kia Sorento video as background music and fell in love) and then finally left for school.
We were driving the 2023 Honda City ZX MT and like always, the app notified “ignition turned on” at exactly 7 AM and we were off to school. All 3 of us, including my mom and dad were going together that day and even though I usually sit in the front seat, that day I chose to sit at the rear seat. Even on the way to school, I was discussing the farewell with my parents when we came to a halt at a traffic light.

We then started talking about how the roadside shops have all been brushed off by the authorities and their source of income is just gone. Then, at 7:04 my dad looks at his side of the ORVM to notice a Bolero Pik-up truck coming at an uncontrollably high speed and all my dad could do is react in shock. Before I could ask him what happened, we felt a massive bump and for the next few moments I was completely lost as to what happened. It was as if I lost senses for a few minutes. I then gathered myself again, checked on my parents to see if they’re okay but the car was full of smoke and then the first thing I did was grab my school bag and glasses (which fell down) and get out of the car. At first, the door wouldn’t open but eventually, after I pushed it hard enough, I got out of the car to see around 30-40 people surrounding our car and smoke all over. I turned around to see a white pik-up truck with its bonnet completely merging in our boot.

I started noticing what had actually happened and to my surprise, the car wasn’t just hit by the Bolero but because our parking break was raised, the car didn’t move any further but turned and hit the pole to its right causing the front airbags to open. When all 3 of us got out, the 30 odd people around were surprised to see us all safe, given the extent of this accident. My mom had minor scratches on her face and my dad had slight pain in his chest- both due to airbags. I was so numb after the accident that when a lady offered us help to drop me off to my school, I didn’t wear the seatbelt in her car thinking about what had just happened. Yes, I was in school that day because I didn’t feel like anything back then however, an hour into school and my shoulder was completely dead.

When I got home, we discussed everything once again and got to know that our car would take at least 45 days to be alright again. Insurance company gave an estimate of 8 Lakhs in repair for a goddamn 18 lakh car. I also got to know that the pik-up was driving at a speed of around 70-80 KMPH and had slammed his breaks but due to lack of ABS, he couldn’t steer the pik-up away from hitting our car.

Eventually, I think this experience is an answer to those who need an answer as to what extent is build quality important? I can easily say that in a smaller, 0-1 star build car, maybe survival chances would’ve been slimmer. Now if a container falls on a car, build quality isn’t as important however, in a scenario like mine, your life depends on your decision. I suffered a major injury in the form of ruptured shoulder tissues and was advised to stay away from physical exertion for 3 months. And yes, my mom kept on reiterating the fact that she wouldn’t have worn the seatbelt at the back seat thinking it’s just about 10 minutes and nothing will happen but all it took was 4 minutes.

Lastly, I would urge everyone to opt for a 5 star build quality car because that’s the least you can do. This would not only make you relatively safer but urge manufacturers to work on safety as well. And yes, do wear seatbelt at all times, regardless of where you’re sitting.

Thank you for giving me your precious time and reading this traumatising experience of mine, hope I could make it worth for you

Also, a bonus question, given the poor condition of our car and the fact that it was a major accident (with changes such as both bumpers, dents on the roof, new airbags and a bunch of joints too but engine remaining intact) should we consider replacing this car with a new one because I feel like trusting an accidental vehicle is a risk, after all it’s just not the same car it was.. Do let me know of what you think.

Thank you so much!

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