Janasena president and Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan made a heartfelt appeal to his supporters and party leaders through a detailed press note this Sunday evening to put an end to the needless controversies which were raked up by the unnecessary provocations in recent times between alliance partners.
In the long note, Pawan Kalyan reminded that the unprecedented mandate handed over the people of Andhra Pradesh is not just because of the collective effort of the NDA coalition but also due to the resentment caused by the atrocious and demonic rule of YSR Congress party in the last five years. The people are fed up with manner in which the previous government encouraged anti-social elements, pushed the state into a debt trap and resorted to unparliamentary language in assembly.
As the people of AP wanted a stable government to put the state back on track they believed in the experienced leadership of Chandrababu Naidu and gave a landslide victory of 164 seats out of 175. He further pointed that Janasena secured 100% strike rate in these elections and played an instrumental role in the resounding victory.
Pawan Kalyan asserted that the state progressed in the right path in the last seven months under the able guidance of Chandrababu Naidu and support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He stated that the government is determined to fulfill all its election promises and balance both welfare and development in the next five years.
Amidst this scenario, Pawan Kalyan asked his cadre and leaders not to indulge in unnecessary controversies over fake narratives on social media by some divisive forces which are trying to create a rift between the alliance parties. Pawan asked not to react and respond on social media rumours about the party’s internal affairs and stance on the government policies.
Pawan Kalyan once again reiterated that he never bothers about any posts and positions in politics and made it clear that his sole purpose to serve the needy people. He once again requested all his supporters to understand the importance of the alliance and move forward positively. He also announced that the future plans of Janasena will be discussed during the formation day on March 14th.
Tags Pawan Kalyan