Hyderabad: The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Sunday urged the city police not to allow the public meeting in the name of the Miraj-un-Nabi conference, organised by the All India Rahmate Alam Committee, Hyderabad, where Mufti Salman Azari, a controversial person, is slated to speak on Monday.
VHP national spokesperson R Shashidhar said that it was well-documented that Mufti Salman Azari has a history of delivering inflammatory and hate-filled speeches, regularly instigating Muslim youth against Hindus and particularly targeting the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. “His statements are highly divisive and have the potential to disrupt communal harmony,” alleged Shashidhar.
The VHP leader recalled that several criminal cases are registered against Mufti Salman Azari across the country. He has previously been detained under the Gujarat Prevention of Anti-Social Activities Act (PASA) due to his involvement in activities detrimental to public order. “Given the volatile nature of his speeches and his criminal record, we strongly believe that allowing him to participate in the Miraj-un-Nabi conference poses a significant threat to the law and order situation in Hyderabad. We, therefore, humbly request you to disallow the Miraj-un-Nabi conference scheduled for January 27 in Hyderabad. Prevent Mufti Salman Azari from entering Hyderabad or addressing public gatherings within the city. Deploy necessary preventive measures to maintain peace and communal harmony in Hyderabad. We trust that the Hyderabad police, under your esteemed leadership, will take swift and appropriate action,” said Shashidhar.