Home CAR & BIKES My Yamaha RD 200 & RD 125 restoration: Updates at parts painting...

My Yamaha RD 200 & RD 125 restoration: Updates at parts painting stage

My Yamaha RD 200 & RD 125 restoration: Updates at parts painting stage

The frame of the RD 125 has been sent to the welder to repair certain parts that have become weak over the years.

BHPian SnS_12 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Though work is being carried out simultaneously on the RD 200 and RD 125 the RD 200 will get done first as only cosmetic work is getting done on it while the RD 125 is a complete grounds up restoration. The RD 200 parts have now gone for painting and the RD 125 engine casing will now go for sandblasting. The frame of the RD 125 has been sent to the welder to repair certain parts that have become weak over the years.

Some pictures…

Parts sent for painting to Sumant at OCD Detail studio including the wheels

My Yamaha RD 200 & RD 125 restoration: Updates at parts painting stage

The crank of the RD 125

OE Japan made connecting rods that were fitted in the factory in 1979

All the gearbox parts art still in good shape after decades of neglect

The casing is washed and ready for sandblasting

The engine side covers which will be fitted for sandblasting process to protect the casing internals and then will be went for painting

The engine all fitted back and ready for sandblasting

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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