Home CAR & BIKES Getting my Triumph Tiger Sport 660 serviced at 22,000 km

Getting my Triumph Tiger Sport 660 serviced at 22,000 km

Getting my Triumph Tiger Sport 660 serviced at 22,000 km

Apart from the engine oil and oil filter, the air filter and spark plugs were also changed.

BHPian CrAzY dRiVeR recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Annual Service @ 22,388 kms

Went to the service centre as my two-year service plan was expiring this month. The below activities were carried out:

  • Spark Plugs were changed, worth Rs 854.69 each = 2564.07/-
  • Oil changed with fresh Castrol 10W50. Worth Rs 2052.54/- along with 880.51/- for the Oil Filter
  • Air Filter changed, worth 2358.47/-

Valve clearance check is mentioned for this service, but the service centre didn’t do it citing it is required only if there is any sound noticed from the head – else not recommended to open up the head. This was recommended before I mentioned the AMC, so I don’t think they were trying to reduce their costs by not doing it.

With service charges of 450/- and Spark Plug R&R charges of another 450 – the total came to 8862.37/-, of which I was asked to pay Rs 191.16/-

Thanks to the previous owner for this service

Getting my Triumph Tiger Sport 660 serviced at 22,000 km

The bike also desperately needed a proper wash after the last offroad outing –

Upcoming work:

  • Chain and sprocket set has been ordered from Gear Gear Motorcycles
  • Coneset needs to be removed and greased, which I will try to get done while the chain/sprocket set is being replaced as well.
  • Wheel bearing greasing (just preventive maintenance – during coneset greasing)
  • Brake fluid replacement (just preventive maintenance – during the next brake pad change)
  • Fork Oil replacement (just preventive maintenance – during the next brake pad change)
  • Coolant replacement (just preventive maintenance – will decide timeline after checking in Gear Gear)
  • Throttle body cleaning (just preventive maintenance – will decide timeline after checking in Gear Gear).

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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