Apart from the engine oil and oil filter, the air filter and spark plugs were also changed.
BHPian CrAzY dRiVeR recently shared this with other enthusiasts:
Annual Service @ 22,388 kms
Went to the service centre as my two-year service plan was expiring this month. The below activities were carried out:
- Spark Plugs were changed, worth Rs 854.69 each = 2564.07/-
- Oil changed with fresh Castrol 10W50. Worth Rs 2052.54/- along with 880.51/- for the Oil Filter
- Air Filter changed, worth 2358.47/-
Valve clearance check is mentioned for this service, but the service centre didn’t do it citing it is required only if there is any sound noticed from the head – else not recommended to open up the head. This was recommended before I mentioned the AMC, so I don’t think they were trying to reduce their costs by not doing it.
With service charges of 450/- and Spark Plug R&R charges of another 450 – the total came to 8862.37/-, of which I was asked to pay Rs 191.16/-
Thanks to the previous owner for this service
The bike also desperately needed a proper wash after the last offroad outing –
Upcoming work:
- Chain and sprocket set has been ordered from Gear Gear Motorcycles
- Coneset needs to be removed and greased, which I will try to get done while the chain/sprocket set is being replaced as well.
- Wheel bearing greasing (just preventive maintenance – during coneset greasing)
- Brake fluid replacement (just preventive maintenance – during the next brake pad change)
- Fork Oil replacement (just preventive maintenance – during the next brake pad change)
- Coolant replacement (just preventive maintenance – will decide timeline after checking in Gear Gear)
- Throttle body cleaning (just preventive maintenance – will decide timeline after checking in Gear Gear).
Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.