Shaktikanta Das Net Worth: Shaktikanta Das has played an important role in stabilizing the Indian economy. He worked as Secretary for Economic Affairs during demonetisation (2016) and also contributed significantly in implementing GST.
Shaktikanta Das Net Worth: Former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das has been appointed as Principal Secretary-2 of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This change is considered to be an important administrative change in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). Shaktikanta Das has previously served in many major positions and has played an important role in giving direction to the Indian economy. He has also served as Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. This new responsibility is likely to bring more effectiveness in administrative decisions. Let us know how much the total assets of Shaktikanta Das are.
Total property of Shaktikanta Das
No official data about Shaktikanta Das’s total assets (net worth) is publicly available. Information about the property of government officials is usually not in a public domain. However, as a top government official, his salary and allowances are according to the pay scale set by the government. When he was the Governor of RBI, he used to get a salary of about ₹ 2.5 lakh per month. In addition, they also used to get government accommodation, travel allowance, and other facilities. Now, as the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, he falls in the same pay scale as the cabinet secretary, whose approximate monthly salary can be more than ₹ 2.5 lakh.
Career and achievements
Shaktikanta Das has played an important role in stabilizing the Indian economy. He worked as Secretary for Economic Affairs during demonetisation (2016) and also contributed significantly in implementing GST. As RBI Governor, he kept the country’s monetary policy balanced and promoted digital payments. In his leadership, the RBI took several policy decisions to handle the Indian economy during the Covid-19 epidemic, which included repo rate cuts and loans Moratorium. His policies were internationally appreciated, and he received the “A+” Global Central Banker rating for the second consecutive year in 2024.
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