Home CAR & BIKES My KTM Adventure 250: Updates on 8th service & modifications done

My KTM Adventure 250: Updates on 8th service & modifications done

My KTM Adventure 250: Updates on 8th service & modifications done

Tired of triggering the side stand when dropping the ankles while saddling I got the side stand bypass installed. Installation is very easy and was done in 5 minutes.

BHPian advstreak recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

So here are the mods and service updates after a long time as I shifted to Pune/Nashik for work reasons.

The events are in semi-chronological order.


After 40K km, the centre stand bent after hitting several rocks over narrow trails. It was touching the chain and I removed it easily by taking out the two bolts in the trail itself.

I had initially planned to get a new stand and replace it. But after moving to a rolon brass chain which does not require frequent adjustment and mastering the art of tilting the bike to lube the chain I decided not to install the center stand again and hence removed the brackets which also had gotten bent a little due to the impact.

My KTM Adventure 250: Updates on 8th service & modifications done

Windshield Mod

Earlier I had modded the ER 760 mounts by drilling a hole in each mount and fixing it to rally-replica windshield using a bolt and locknut. This was done so that the extension remains attached and does not get loose during trail rides.

The wind buffeting was not completely solved and hence I went back to the flat angle extension design. I made my own by bending an L bracket and using the same mounting holes to mount the extension. This is the perfect setup with no wind blast/buffeting or torso and clean airflow on the helmet.

Side Stand Sensor Bypass

Tired of triggering the side stand when dropping the ankles while saddling I got the side stand bypass installed. Installation is very easy and was done in 5 minutes. I could not take more pics while the installation was being done and here is one after with the original connector before being taped up.
It works perfectly and it’s perfectly fit it and forget it type mod.

8th service

The 8th service was done at 47700 km.

From the last 2000 km or so I started noticing that the handle seems to get stuck just after a bump and the problem seems to be getting worse as time progressed. Finally one day I realized it was due the the mudguard getting stuck in the bash plate.

Later it was confirmed by the mechanic that was it due to the seals having a stiction problem.

So the front forks were serviced during the 8th service. Along with the usual consumables of filter oil, and spark plug ( got NGK one installed this time) the brake fluid was also changed. Decided to go fancy on this and use Pakelo 5.1 brake fluid as had a good experience with the Pakelo engine oil. I did notice an improvement in brake feel and performance but I am not sure this was due to it being 5.1 fluid or just because it was fresh.

The front sprocket also showed signs of wear and also was replaced. This was its condition after 14.7K km.

50000Km and Front Brake Pads Change

While returning from Pune to Bangalore the bike hit the 50K km mark.

For the return journey, I decided to change the front brake pads proactively as there was not much life left in them. The rear still had more than 3/4 left as I primarily use the front brake.

They were changed at 50389 km ODO and here is the condition of them after approx more than 15K Km.

And here are the new ones before installation.

Front suspension oil leakage

While going from Bangalore to Pune I was doing rally speed in the “Trail” section from Belgavi to Kolhapur and noticed that the RHS fork was leaking oil. I decided to wipe the oil and reach Pune and then take care of it.

Notice how much oil is at the top of the fork near the clamp area. This will be referenced later.

I initially thought that the fork seal had gone bust and replaced it at 51535 km ODO.

But then just after 500 km, I noticed that there was a slight leakage from the lower T clamp.

So actually last time also the fork seals were okay and the leakage was from this location only.

I have tried a cloth around the area so that the oil does not run down and cause other problems.

The outer tube was ordered but I have not gotten the time to get it replaced yet as I specifically wanted to be present to know how and which kind of damage is then. I have been driving more cautiously to minimize the leakage.

9th service

The 9th service was done at 55957 km in Nashik. I have been doing Pune-Bombay-Nashik runs for work and managed to do a trip to my hometown Nagpur during Diwali also in between.

I was initially planning to do this in Pune but did not get the time to do it and I was anyway way past the service interval and went ahead and got it done in an FNG in Nashik itself.

This is the dirtiest I have seen the air filter in a span of 5000km.

Surprisingly the fuel filter was very clean considering it was used for 8527km.

As the local shop only had Motul 7100 decided to go with it. The Plan will be to use Motul 7100 for couple of more times and then again get on to Pakelo or other fancy oils. There is a drop in smoothness after switching back to Motul and I might switch to Pakelo sooner if it gets irritating.

The ODO reads 56611 as of today and the next plan is to replace the leaky RHS fork outer tube. I am also thinking of getting a custom suspension setup done by Zedling or similar to get it suited to my weight and riding style.

Here are some pics while doing single day trips around Bangalore, Pune, Bombay, Nashik, and in between them.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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