The survey aims to assess the urban tree population.
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Peltophorum pterocarpum, commonly known as Copper Pod is the most frequently found tree in Hyderabad, after Azadirachta Indica, or the popular neem tree. Pongamia and rain tree follow in frequency.
Native trees support the maximum faunal species vouched by 156 native trees representing 10 species, being home to 3,215 faunal count, which averages to over 20 animals dependent on each tree. In case of introduced species, it is mere six animals per tree. These numbers are shared by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)- India Hyderabad, from the Hyderabad Annual Tree survey it conducted in 2024.
While not being the authentic source of data or information, the survey provides a snapshot of trees and biodiversity in the city, for the authorities to take relevant policy measures. The document said the survey aims to assess the urban tree population, identify biodiversity, and collect valuable ecological data. It is a collaborative effort, uniting community members, researchers, and environmentalists in having a deeper connection with nature and promoting a greener and healthier Hyderabad, it said.
Main survey preparations were done by selecting a map with different zones and circles of Hyderabad. From each circle one location was picked based on volunteer availability and their preference of location. A total 160 volunteers participated last year, with five resource persons. Divided into 35 teams, they covered 23 locations selected from six zones of the city.
The survey counted 753 unique trees representing 120 species last year, which supported a total faunal count of 6,065. A total 85 bird and 40 spider species were recorded, while the number for rodents and reptiles species stood at 10. At 7 species, butterflies and moths are a cause for concern. A total 52.32% of the counted members were avenue trees, which supported 70.39% of the faunal members. Non-avenue trees constituted 41.04% of the total count, supporting 27% of the animals. Animal ratio was high where vehicle pollution is moderate, and poor where the pollution is high, the report mentioned.
Published – March 05, 2025 08:39 PM is