Offered my help to clean and restore a friend’s SUV, since he too was equally bored we decided to dedicate an entire lazy Sunday towards car cleaning.
BHPian Tony2298 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:
Quote from BHPian Saket77:
3M Tire dresser promises brand new look on tires after use. In God we trust, everything else we test.
The apartment guard had a confused look on his face and must be at his wits end that why am I cleaning the tires which ultimately are meant to be contact with all the dirt and debris on road. Will I stop driving the car on roads?….
Haha! Even I’m a person who has a can I say,.. fetish towards squeaky clean tyres and wheels. Upon reading your story I remembered a funny story which happened about 4-5years back, it was during lockdown time when I was looking for ways to kill time and what a better way of doing so by getting cars deep cleaned but I was already done with that, therefore called up my friend who had bought a new Creta about an year back but due to lack of proper cleaning caught up a lot of swirls and looked older than its age, therefore offered him my help to clean and restore his SUV, since he too was equally bored we decided to dedicate an entire lazy Sunday towards car cleaning.
Asked him to arrange stuff like Meguiars’ shampoo, ultimate compound, interior polish, microfiber cloths, buffing pads etc while I used my own stuff viz Ultimate Compound, QuikDetailer, Wax, Tyre Polish etc and together made our hands dirty.
After a couple of hours, we both were exhausted totally but believe me, there was no better feeling than to clean a car with an equally enthusiastic friend and results too were quite amazing. Since it was already more than 6hours since we were out of our homes, my friends’ Dad got a bit worried and decided to pay us a visit, when he reached, he saw us engrossed in cleaning and polishing the alloys and tyres, upon which he had a similar reaction as your security guard had and even asked the exact same questions as you mentioned!. Still the results were fantastic and it was a Sunday well spent!
The car before, badly dusted, swirled made it appear older than it actually was
The dirty wheels, seemed like they were never ever cleaned!
The same car looked so better after a thorough cleaning!
The squaky clean tyres and alloys!
Even I keep on ordering hell lot of tyre polish from different brands and regularly clean them no matter how many times they get dirty, also nowadays I’ve gotten one step ahead and regularly visit a tyre store which removes individual alloys and cleans the alloys from inside too, watching the alloys deep cleaned somehow gives me an immense sense of satisfaction even though I completely know they’ll be soiled the moment I drive my car out on the road.
Look at all the accumulated dirt inside the alloys!
Post thorough cleaning, so eye pleasing!
Clean alloys and tyres!
Also,.I don’t know I also tend to prefer tyres depending on their sidewall design and somewhat dislike plain generic looking tyres.
Thank you
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