Social media is a hostile place where even the biggest of superstars often face endless trolling. The same is the case with Pawan Kalyan now as he is being subject to a series of trolls on Twitter.
Earlier, a video of the dance clipping of Pawan Kalyan from Sardar Gabbar Singh was shared on Twitter for fun purpose. However, this edited video has now started an ugly trend.
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Every day, we keep seeing multiple edits on this dance portion featuring Kalyan with edited songs and provocative music. What started of as a generic and fun video edit campaign on Kalyan, has now become an ugly trend with provocative stuff all over it.
All other fan groups, apart from the mega group are sharing their edited videos on dance clipping featuring Kalyan.
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While a few of them are turning out to be funny and humorous, many of them are coming out with derogatory purpose, and with the sole intention of trolling and humiliating Kalyan.
A section of mega Office are trying to desensitise the situation by coming up with their own edits on this dance video. However, they are not even remotely close to modifying the kind of trolling and hit camp campaign that is being spread through this video.
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Factually speaking, almost every hero has this dance portion in their earlier films, which could potentially lead to severe trolls. But in this case, it is only Kalyan who is facing this extreme trolls due to this Sardar Gabbar Singh video.
It has now reached a point where these videos are not being spread on Twitter, but even on Instagram and they are generating huge reach. This appears to be a woman I hate campaign against Kalyan.