Home CAR & BIKES DIY fitting Bi-LED fog lamps on my Nissan Sunny

DIY fitting Bi-LED fog lamps on my Nissan Sunny

DIY fitting Bi-LED fog lamps on my Nissan Sunny

With increasing number of vehicles with LED lights, 100/90W Halogens are nowhere competent these days. Ended up fixing 3″ Bi-LED projector foglamps from iPHCar and the output is satisfactory

BHPian Mr.Boss recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

With increasing number of vehicles with LED lights, 100/90W Halogens are nowhere competent these days. I tried fitting a LED in regular reflector (designed for Halogens) and removed it the very next day. Ended up fixing 3″ Bi-LED projector foglamps from iPHCar and the output is satisfactory (Had the same setup earlier in my Ritz)

Projector lamp snaps from Google
DIY fitting Bi-LED fog lamps on my Nissan Sunny

Vehicle specific bracket from Blaze India

Had to remove the entire bumper for easy access

Projector fog fixed with adjustable bracket

Final outcome

After aligning the beam cut-off

LED (Sunny) vs HID (S-Cross)

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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