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Verizon’s revealing what it’s doing behind the scenes to help during disasters

Verizon’s revealing what it’s doing behind the scenes to help during disasters

Verizon’s revealing what it’s doing behind the scenes to help during disasters

The SVP of Verizon Public Sector and president of Verizon Frontline has given some insights in a new interview on how Verizon is working to support first responders with reliable network connectivity during natural disasters and emergencies.

It’s something we don’t always think about – how our phones connect during a crisis, or how emergency teams stay in touch and coordinate in real-time. But there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes to ensure reliability, connectivity, and future-oriented features.

Verizon‘s Maggie Hallbach, SVP of Verizon Public Sector and president of Verizon Frontline is now giving us a glimpse of what Verizon Frontline is working on to ensure first responders and agencies are connected during a natural disaster.

First off, Hallbach details that Verizon Frontline is working on making mobile assets (the devices supporting connectivity needs for first responders) smaller and more portable. Hallbach says that with technology evolving and modernizing, devices can be smaller and thus easily deployable. On top of that, more can be created thanks to the cost efficiency of the process.

For example, Verizon‘s Rapid Response Connectivity Unit (RRCU) can be deployed in under 15 minutes by one person and can provide voice and Internet service to first responders. The device is about six feet long and two-and-a-half feet wide.

The RRCU supports C-band spectrum, 5G, low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellite connection, and medium-Earth orbit (MEO) satellite connectivity options as well. It also supports 4G LTE network extenders and up to 120 active users can take advantage of its connectivity options.

These devices are as powerful as a SPOT trailer, explains Hallbach, but the SPOT trailer (Satellite Picocell on a Trailers) is way bigger than the RRCU. Such SPOTs were used by first responders during wildfires and provide Wi-Fi with satellite.

But that’s not all. Hallbach also provides insights on how more data collected from first responders can be useful for the success of missions. For example, during a fire, monitoring biometrics for firefighters (in real time!) and also sending as much relevant data to 911 operators as possible is critical.

And yep, this depends on fast download and upload speeds, which the Verizon Frontline team is working on constantly improving.

Hallbach says that Verizon uses “network slicing” to ensure applications for first responders and public safety organizations are prioritized. She notes that Verizon is constantly working on trials to guarantee upload and download speeds are improving so real-time insights can be delivered.

Hallbach explains that using network slicing is different from the “Priority and Preemption” approach that Verizon‘s had since 2019. Priority and preemption ensure that public safety organizations get the priority lane in a way on the network. If the network gets congested, the public safety organizations and their connectivity are prioritized over the general public.

Meanwhile, network slicing is specific to each application. Verizon is working with several public safety application providers to optimize the network so said application can perform exactly how it should, at all times.

Interestingly, according to a Verizon survey, voice and data are the 5G features used most by first responders. 41% use data most, while 38% use voice most.

As for upcoming Verizon Frontline plans, Hallbach says that their team is always preparing and learning things from non-emergency big events like the Albuquerque balloon festival. The team, says Hallbach, analyses the performance during such events and identifies a roadmap of what needs to be done next time to improve.

Lastly, Hallbach emphasizes the importance of partnerships in the industry, including partnerships with government agencies. She underlines that especially during a disaster, it’s important to know exactly who to call, and if they’re collaborating all the time, the risk of struggling to find the exact contact in an emergency would be diminished.

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